When you know how to setup any VPN application for free internet, it can be one of the best qualities you get especially when you know how the VPN apps work, the different tunneling methods and how you can play around with the tweaking.
However, those that don't know how these tunnel methods work can find it really difficult to create their own personal configuration files but, then keep on seeing how others create files and share them and they wonder how they do to create these working files because you might be creating yours and it don't work.
We keep on talking of files since but we haven't mentioned the types of files. We are obviously talking of free internet files with great VPN such as HA Tunnel Plus, HTTP Injector, HTTP Injector Lite, HTTP Custom, KPNTunnel, SparkVPN, TLS Tunnel, Eproxy, and many more.
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For those of you that frequently visit this website, you will know that one of our main aims is to provide free internet that can be used in any country. So for this to be possible we made many Free Internet Tricks using VPN apps such as HA Tunnel Plus, HTTP Injector mainly because they have really strong encryption methods and are known by many around the globe.
For such reasons, we have provided numerous tutorials and guide on these VPN apps and how you can easily create free internet files using them. If you want to know how to create HA Tunnel Plus hat files for free internet, click the link to the guide below.
CHECKOUT: How to Create HA Tunnel Plus Hat Files for All Countries
However, for those that don't want to go through that strenuous process, you can download the already made hat files for your country from the link below.
CHECKOUT: Download HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet Hat Files for All Countries
We haven't forgotten about HTTP Injector. You can learn how to create working ehi config files for HTTP Injector from the link below.
CHECKOUT: How to Create HTTP Injector EHI Files for All Countries
When dealing with HTTP Injector, we need to pay great attention to the servers and know which server is best for the app. It can take you quite a long time to determine the best server for the app but hopefully and fortunate for you, we made everything easy and talked on the best and fast premium servers for http injector precising the preferred tunnel types for all the servers so that you won't get failures in your projects.
CHECKOUT: Best SSH, SNI, V2Ray, Shadowsocks Servers for HTTP Injector
Also, if you find the guide complicated for you, you can can download the already made ehi config files for any network in your country from the link below.
CHECKOUT: Download HTTP Injector Free Internet EHI Files for All Countries
However, you should mind checking out our other free internet tricks to get more tweaks for your country so that they can serve as backup for the other if ever one get's blocked.
CHECKOUT: More Free Internet Tricks that work in any Country
Config files are first developed by developers that understand the different ethical protocols and how they can get bug hosts (SNI, HTTP) for injection. This requires a lot of trials and errors for them to get to the right one. When they make the files, they lock them preventing any editing and this makes others that don't know to be unable to customize the settings in the file.
By the end of this guide, that will not be a problem any more because I will show you how to Sniff into any free internet file for any VPN freely. Some call this hacking free internet files or unlocking files. All the names are the same. To be able to understand what config sniffing is, you need to first know what the word sniffing itself means. So let's talk a little on config sniffing.
CHECK ALSO: Speed Boost Your Free Internet Connection With These Apps
What is a Sniffing Attack and How does it Work?
Sniffing is a frequent word used for cyber attacks also known as sniffing attack or sniffer attack, in context of network security, corresponds to theft or interception of data by capturing the network traffic using a packet sniffer usually an application for android that intercepts the connection.
When data is transmitted across networks, if the data packets are not encrypted, the data within the network packet can be read using a sniffer.
It is just like a bird flying to a specific area being shot in the sky by an incoming stone from nowhere. The sniffing is anonymous since it uses a VPN that changes the launchers address and it can take a long time for the server administrators to track the IP launching the sniffing attack.
Table of Contents
What is Config Sniffing and How does it Work?
Config Sniffing is the sniffing of config files built for carrying and sharing data and settings between users that use a similar application be it on Android, PC or even iOS. The config files here must not be a free internet file before it can be sniffed into.
For an example, I will describe the sniffing process using a free internet file.
Let's say you just downloaded a free internet hat file from our list of files and you really like the way the file works (speed).
The file has either an expiry date or has stopped working for some sort of reason and you want to know which tunneling is used for the app, the payload and most importantly the bug host used to create the file so that you can come out with your own personal file.
CHECKOUT: How to Find Bug Host (SNI, HTTP) for Free Internet
For that, you will need a sniffer that will intercept the packages exchanged between your device and the server you are trying to connect to. There are three ways you can use to sniff into these files to get the generated payload, bug host, server etc. Let's look into these two methods of config sniffing.
Types of Config Sniffing
There are three major ways of sniffing into config files which are sniffing using a mobile application, sniffing with a website that has the code installed or using preset bot on Telegram. This process is also called file decryption because it decrypts encrypted files (locked files) that seem unlockable when imported into the concerned apps.
1. Sniffing or Decrypting using a mobile application
This the use of applications, to unlock, sniff or decrypt locked config files in order to get their payloads, bug hosts, custom server information. However, the decrypted information is usually raw and complicated to read with this method since it doesn't only focuses on the information you need but decrypts the entire packages exchanged between the client and the server. It is also known to be complicated for those that aren't developers to understand the terms and language.
2. Sniffing or Decrypting using a website
This method appear to be one of the simplest methods to use for decrypting and sniffing into files because you will not have to read all the messy language and finding the information you need. The output of the decryption is usually ordered and all you need is just to upload the file you want to decrypt and then the site does the unlocking for you presenting you with results concerning the generated payload, bug host and server identification.
The website uses a decryption script that just sniffs into the file and pull out the necessary information without launching any connection using the file. The script is already configured for such a task and can unlock practically almost all file types. However, they are focused on some file types. We will talk more on this when we will get into the process.
3. Sniffing or Decrypting using Telegram Bots and Groups
This is also a good method to use for decrypting files and is very similar to the previous sniffing method. The script here has been integrated into a Telegram bot that just gets all the information from the file and provide them immediately to the user. You will not need any additional setup for this to work. The bot just does the job for you.
The bot is equally focused on some file types though they are known to unlock or decrypt many file types. We will discuss more on this when we get into the procedure to use for this method.
As for the group, it is more genuine since there is constant updates of its repository. However, it will require you to go through some steps different from that of the bot.
How to Sniff/Unlock/Hack/Decrypt any Locked Config File
This tutorial or guide is for educational purposes only and we at AiM Tutorials are just out to inform the developers of the vulnerabilities. You are responsible for any damage you may cause and we are not to be held responsible for that.
As we earlier said, there are three major ways of decrypting any locked config file for any VPN application. Below are 3 ways you can use to hack/decrypt/sniff into any config file for any app be it ha tunnel plus, http injector, tls tunnel, kpn tunnel or http custom.
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1. Using Mobile Application to Sniff into Locked Config Files
We already explain what this method consists of. So we will just be precise in the steps to follow. However, we will mention the best apps you can use for such tasks.
To get started for this method, you will need to download any of the below apps. These apps are also known as sniffing apps that will capture the packages exchanged between the client (your device) and the server.
You can call these apps http custom, http injector, ha tunnel plus unlocker apk and thanks to their capture and intercepting power, they can collect packages of any other VPN that is injection on a host that is locked in a config.
1. HTTPCanary
2. NetCapture
3. NetKeeper
4. ES File Explorer (Not optional)
These apps are also known as sniffing tools and will require no root to work. So they are suitable for everyone. However, rooted devices will have great advantages of non rooted devices during the decryption process.
Follow the steps below to sniff into any locked config file.
- Open your VPN app you got config for. Import the config file into the app.
- Now connect the app and inject the host in the config by pressing Start button.
- Now open any of the apps above preferably HTTPCanary and click on the capture button.
- It will tell you that it will disconnect the running VPN app. Click yes to accept and then the package capture will begin disconnecting the VPN app with the already captured packages.
- The captures packages will be listed and you just have to click on it to open it.
- To read these files properly, you are going to need ES File Explorer because they are Java files.
- Click on any of the captured packages and select to open with ES File Explorer text reader.
- The content of the file contains some sort of messy language but all you need is to locate an area starting with Payload. When you got that, then the next words that follows it is your Payload.
- If you don't see payload in the package, close it and open another captures package.
- That is it you just sniffed into the config of any VPN app and got its Payload that contains the bug host used.
You might not succeed in the first trial of package capture so what you will just need to repeat the steps above by capturing new packages and opening till you get the Payload of the files you want to sniff into.
2. Using a Website to Sniff into Locked Config Files
The website we will be using has a wide support for many config files for many VPN apps. The website uses a script from its server to unlock the files. If you are a lover of HTTP Injector, HA Tunnel Plus, HTTP Custom, KPN Tunnel and you don't want to go through complicated steps to unlock the files for this apps, then this can be a good alternative for you. The supported file extensions that can be decrypted or hacked or sniffed into are listed below and the website acts as;
- epro file unlocker
- acm file unlocker
- zxc file unlocker
- hc file unlocker
- sks file unlocker
- tut file unlocker
- tmt file unlocker
- cyh file unlocker
- tsn file unlocker
- kfd file unlocker
- dsi file unlocker
- rf file unlocker
- hat file unlocker
- asht file unlocker
- tls file unlocker
- ehi file unlocker
- ehil file unlocker
- npv2 file unlocker
Any file with any of the listed extension below can be unlocked by this website. So it can unlock or sniff into config files of HTTP Custom, HTTP Injector, APK Custom, eProxy, SocksHTTP, TLS Tunnel, HA Tunnel, NapsternetV and even ShellTun. Let's see how we can sniff config files using the website.
The website we will be using here is XI Decrypt and can decrypt even some latest files with powerful encryption method. It uses Decryption Algorithms from HCDrill. However, configs from some latest versions of the VPN apps are not compatible with the site since the encryption is more enhanced.
Follow the steps below to sniff config files:
- Go to XI Decrypt
- Click Choose File, locate any config file you want to sniff and click on it to load it.
- Next click on Upload to upload the file.
- Immediately the file will be decrypted and the output shown to you as in the image below. You will have to option to download as TXT document if you want. However, the file has been decrypted.
- As you can see in the image above, the file has been decrypted and you can see the payload, sshServer, sshaddress, sshPassword, sniValue or host, shadowsocks info etc. All the information that could not be accessed from the locked file has been unlocked. The host and payload in the file is a Turkey bug host.
Checkout our SNI Host Generator and generate updated SNI host list for your country.
You can unlock or sniff into any locked config file using this method paying attention to the fact that the file extension is supported. However, this script is primarily focused on HTTP Custom files by will work well for ehi and even hat files but most hat files created by the latest version of ha tunnel plus might not be unlocked here. Just give it a try. Even NapsternetV files can be equally unlocked using these tricks.
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3.1 Using a Telegram Bot to Sniff into Locked Config Files
If you are a frequent user of Telegram and are familiar with this app, then you will know it is a really exciting app to use. It is the best social app for those that know of its advantages. Advantages here are the unlimited cloud storage, disappearing messages, and most importantly the telegram bots. These bots make life simple for the users.
There are many types of bots with different functions such as bots for downloading audio and video, leeching torrents, remotely uploading files to Telegram, and many more. Some bots are even known for managing groups and channels and release charges over admins.
The bot we are interested in here is the bot used to unlock locked config files. The bot uses the HCDrill script and as such, it unlocks all the files with the same extension as the website we gave above.
Follow the steps below to unlock, decrypt or sniff into locked config files using a telegram bot.
- Click here go to HC Decryptor Bot.
- Upload a locked config file to the bot and the bot will unlock the file real quick for you.
- The unlocked or decrypted output of the file will be presented as below.
- If the decrypted content of the file is too large to be uploaded to telegram (files of over 1KB), it will simply upload the TXT format of the decrypted results.
- That is it, you just decrypted your locked config file and now you know of its host, payload, SSH, SNI information and more.
3.2 Using a Telegram Group to Sniff into Locked Config Files
It is simple to unlock any config file using Telegram group. However, you should not that the group mostly focuses in unlocking HA Tunnel Plus files but can as well unlock HTTP Injector, HTTP Custom, OpenTunnel, NapternetV, TLS Tunnel, and so many other config types but bear in mind that this method is highly effective in unlocking with HA Tunnel Plus locked configs.
Follow the steps below to unlock locked config files using Telegram Group.
- Click Here to join the Ultimate Config Unlocking Telegram Group. The group is private so you need to join from its direct link here. If should in case the group link is revoked, we will update its access for everyone from here.
- Once in the group, upload a config file (hat, ehi, hc, tnl, sip, asht etc). Immediately you upload the config to the group, a unique unlock code will be generated automatically with a unique link where you will place the code to get the SNI bug host and payload.
- Once you click on the link, you will be taken to a website. Click on the hamburger icon of the website as shown in the image below.
- Now click on GetCode2021 as shown in the image below.
- Next, submit your code you copied earlier on Telegram and you will be shown the config full payload with all the tweaking instantly. You can see an example of how the payload looks like in the image below.
- Congratulations in unlocking your locked config file. You can now use its info in creating your own personal files.
The bot used here uses the same decryption algorithm from the HCDrill repo and so, will unlock files that can be equally unlocked by the XI Decrypt site.
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Reasons Why You Should Decrypt/Sniff/Unlock Locked Config Files
There might be so many reasons why you might want to unlock config files and some might be for no reason and just for fun but below are the 2 main reasons why you should unlock locked config files.
- To Avoid File Expiry: You probably do not want the file to expire why you are using it and so, you want to have a backup method if the file expires.
- Due to Create your Own files: If you don't have a bug host, then you cannot create free internet files, so to create your own files from no starting point, you need to sniff into already made files that work to get the payload and host used.
How to Unlock HA Tunnel Files
It is even very simple to unlock HA Tunnel Plus Files. Follow the steps below to unlock the ha tunnel files:
- Join the above Telegram group.
- Send a HA Tunnel Plus config file in the group.
- The group will do its magic by providing with a unique unlock code.
- Now, click the link just below the code and you enter the code in the field present on the webpage that will open to you.
- Done, you have now unlocked your ha tunnel plus config file...
How to Get Free Internet in Any Country with the Concerned VPN Apps
You can get free internet with any of the VPN whose file can be unlocked by creating your own file from the information gotten from the decryption details. You will some how need some guides that will walk you through the process. Check them below.
CHECKOUT: How to Create HTTP Injector EHI Files for All Countries
CHECKOUT: How to Create HA Tunnel Plus Hat Files for All Countries
The above guides will help you to create your own files from the already details you got from the sniffing of the config files.
You can also checkout more free internet tricks from the below guide.
CHECKOUT: More Free Internet Tricks that work in any Country
Did you know that you can equally get free internet legally from the government mainly for students and free internet illegally at home from any country. Well check that out below.
CHECKOUT: How to Get Free Internet legally and Illegally at Home
Checkout related free internet tricks below.
Final Thoughts on How to Unlock Locked Config Files
The process of decrypting free internet files is not that complicated. Though it seems simple to decrypt, you will need to be technical and be sure of the method you are going to be using.
If you want to know of the most accurate but difficult method to use, then I will recommend you the first method. It can be difficult to get the real payload used but it captures any config file's package. However, if you want an easier method, then you can use either the second or third method.
However for a start, I recommend you to tryout all the methods listed above and see which is suitable for you.