Free internet connection is what everyone wants these days since we find viral queries being made all through the web and even on social media platforms.
Some people use this free internet to get money in return and when these people don't have free internet to offer their buyers, they end up by scamming them with all free internet tricks that do not work anymore.
We even find most of our free internet tricks being sold out there on many platforms and we have taken some major steps to avoid that by placing our trademark on most of our content so that everyone will be alerted of the source and can easily find the free internet tricks from our library of free internet tricks.
Our frequent blog readers know we always strive to provide them with free internet tricks but unfortunately, we cannot get all countries covered in an instant so what we do is we provide these tricks for each country as we get them.
So by the end, we still got all countries covered.
To date, we notice that many people out there don't know of free internet yet.
If you however happen to fall on such people one day, don't forget you were like them some time ago and to help them, you can share with them what you know or just simply redirect them to our Free Internet Tricks Library for all countries.
We have discussed a lot on free internet tricks lately and we have covered many ways to get free internet legally and illegally at home.
Illegally here doesn't mean you will get to steal some kits from your ISP but it simply involves the use of VPN apps such as HA Tunnel Plus, HTTP Injector VPN, DroidVPN, Your Freedom VPN, Psiphon Pro VPN.
We got all these VPNs covered by step-by-step tutorials on each for the understanding of everyone. We have even made some country-based free internet tweaking and guides on some of the VPN apps.
Most of these apps use what we call free internet configs which are ready-made tweaking for the app by a developer.
You just got to import the config into the app then click on the start button and you will get connected without setting up anything.
Most people are always curious about how these developers managed to get free internet config files for these countries up and running.
They wonder how they made to set up everything work just perfectly. The first thing that comes to their minds is to sniff the config files for their bug host and payload.
So they look for ways to unlock the file be it ehi, hat, hc, or anything else. There are several ways to unlock or sniff into working files for hosts and we have equally provided some detailed guide on that with 3 working methods to sniff config files.
We are going to lay ourselves on many of the legal ways to get free internet at home and also some little on how to get free internet illegally on Android at home.
So in today's guide, I am going to show you how to get free internet connection in the comfort of your home with the best free internet tricks for all countries. Stay tuned and follow me as I walk you through the guide.
Table of Contents
What is Free Internet and How Does It Work?
If you read our frequent guides on free internet, you will notice that we cover this topic in all of them. the reason we do this is for all the noobs to get what this really means.
Free internet is the art of navigating the internet freely, this is possible and aided by special apps called VPN that are known for hijacking or intercepting a connection from a host then tunneling it through its servers and wiring the client device with the secure connection.
The server here determines your location and most often, you have the choice of the server.
These free internet VPN apps work with a set of protocols and tunneling methods (HTTP, SSL/TLS, Shadowsocks, V2Ray) that have something in common; they provide free internet.
A good understanding of these protocols can make you a real-time config developer. We have explained all of that in our guide on how to create HTTP injector config files for all countries.
All this is just part of how to get free internet illegally.
However, to get free internet legally involves using authorized methods such as free internet for students that are being issued by the government.
Another way is by using the free internet bundles shared by your ISP when they happen to celebrate an event.
You can still get free internet legally by using free hotspots in your area. Very efficient and common way. However, we will cover all of that below.
How to Get Free Internet Connection At Home from Any Country
Now you can get free internet connection on your Android, iPhone, PC, and even PlayStation 4, 5 console, or even Xbox consoles.
There are several ways. Below are the best ways to get free internet on your Android and iPhone some will involve the use of service and Wi-Fi meanwhile some will not and are considered as the best free internet tricks.
CHECK ALSO: Speed Boost Your Free Internet Connection With These Apps
Finding Free Wireless Hotspot for Free Internet
There are many ways of finding free wireless hotspots in your area for free unlimited internet access. Below are several ways of finding free wireless hotspots (Wi-Fi)in your area.
1. Visit a chain restaurant, retailer, or hotel that offers free Wi-Fi
This is one of the best ways to find free Wi-Fi for free internet access. We find out many hotels, restaurants, and even retailers out there that have public wireless hotspots.
Though some are completely free to the public, some will require you to buy an item from them.
If it is a restaurant, you will maybe have to buy a cup of coffee or tea from them and ask them the free wifi password to be able to fully enjoy their services.
However, the case here might be different for hotels. Some Wi-Fi from hotels is free and some are secured by a WPA2 password and the password can be shared only with the members of the hotel.
However, you can WPA2 unlocker software to hack the Wi-Fi password.
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Below are some free wireless hotspot areas within the US.
- Coffee shops (Starbucks, Peet's)
- Airports (Nearly all airports in the United States and other countries offer free Wi-Fi, although some require payment)
- Hotels (Hyatt, Best Western, Motel 6, Comfort Inn, Extended Stay America, Walt Disney Resorts)
- Restaurants (Taco Bell, McDonald's, Dunkin, Einstein Bros, IHOP, Denny's, Krispy Kreme, Panera, Arby's, Wendy's)
- Retail Stores (Apple, Office Depot, Lowes, Ikea, Target, Best Buy, Staples, Whole Foods, Safeway)
- Truck stops (Love's, Flying J)
- Malls (Typically there will be a free mall-wide Wi-Fi service, and some stores may offer their own)
2. Using WiFi Map to Find Free Hotspots
WiFi Map is one of the best apps to use to find free wifi around you. With millions of users worldwide, the app is really efficient when it comes to finding free WiFi hotspots around you.
All you need to do is to download the premium version of the app from here and install it on your device then use it to find free wifi.
The app gives detailed information about the WiFi and suggests if it is good and safe to connect to it.
You can even use the app to get free internet Wi-Fi for your PlayStation 4/5 and even your Xbox consoles.
READ ALSO: 1O Best Ways to Get Free Internet Without Data Plan nor Wi-Fi
3. Use the "Find Wi-Fi" in Facebook Mobile App
Facebook is a well-known leading social media platform and is known as one of the oldest that has been out for many years now. You can connect with friends and families through Facebook from any part of the world.
Not only can you use Facebook to chat with friends, but you can also use it to find WiFi near you. This method is applicable to Android, iPhone, and iPad.
Follow the steps below to know how you can use Facebook to find free Wi-Fi beside you:
- Open your Facebook app
- Click on the hamburger icon in the app to access the settings
- Tap Settings & Privacy
- Then select Privacy Shortcuts
- Now select Manage your Location settings
- Now enable Find Wi-Fi
- Give the app the necessary permission to run this feature well and then you will be shown all the available nearby Wi-Fi to which you can connect.
READ ALSO: How to Get Free Internet in Any Country using an External IP Address
4. Asking your cable, DSL, or Satellite Provider if they Offer Free Hotspots
Many internet providers out there provide free wifi hotspots or even an unlimited package for access to free internet. We find internet providers such as Xfinity that provide free internet for their frequent customers. You just need an email and password to get started.
You can use Comcast and Xfinity services to get free hotspots. Check this hotspot list to know the different hotspots they provide.
Most other internet providers that offer free hotspots have Wi-Fi locators on their websites
5 Visit a Library, Hospital, or College Campus for Free Hotspots
Though it is not a way of getting free hotspots at home, it is also a very good way of enjoying free wifi hotspots. You can check nearby libraries or hospitals in your country.
Since the Corona pandemic, we find many places where we can find free wifi, especially in the covid 19 hospitals.
Another way is by visiting colleges or universities for free wifi. Most universities offer free wifi to their students and some offer to both the students and the general public. The free wifi is found in their libraries or even in the open air. There was a time when I visited a college and suddenly, my phone discovered a free wifi. I said there is no harm in enjoying free Wi-Fi. So I sat down and enjoyed it though unfortunately for me, it was only for 2 hours daily, it also helped me to go to where I was heading and I returned every day for the free Wi-Fi.
READ ALSO: How to Get Unlimited Free Internet Access Without Service
6. Using Free Dialup Internet Service
There are many dial-up internet services that offer free data to their consumers. We talk here about NetZero, FreedomPop, etc. These two are really effective in their services of providing free data.
NetZero offers 10 hours of free data for up to a month at no cost. However, you are to cancel the free trial before it ends and you get billed. You can as well get an unlimited trial by opening several accounts and enjoying unlimited free data.
FreedomPop is another service that offers free data to its users. However, they limit their services only to some countries.
How to Get Unlimited Internet for Free On Android/iPhone/PC at Home Using VPN
VPN tunneling apps remain the best ways to get free internet without paying a dime. Most make use of hosts (SNI) that we call zero-rated websites and some make use of payload with the use of HTTP Bug hosts. These are the best VPNs to get unlimited free internet access in any country. We talk here about VPNs such as HA Tunnel Plus, HTTP Injector, HTTP Custom, etc.
However, we also find some VPNs such as Psiphon Pro that are known to be the oldest VPN to have existed and you can get free internet with this VPN on Android and even on iPhone as they are cross-platform.
Also, there is another category of VPN that requires some tweaking and most importantly a premium account to work properly. We talk here of VPNs such as Your Freedom VPN and DroidVPN.
All of these VPN apps give what we call free internet access on Android, iPhone, and even PC at home illegally. But they aren't illegal as we call them because VPNs are legal in many ways if you intend to keep your identity online secure and private, then the use of a VPN is completely legal.
Let's talk about all the concerned VPNs for free internet in detail.
1. Using HA Tunnel Plus VPN for Free Internet
HA Tunnel Plus is one of the leading free internet VPNs these days. Developed by Art of Tunnel, this VPN is based and works with an exciting protocol, SSH 2.0 which secures the connection initiated by the client and to the server.
The VPN focuses on the SNI tunneling mode which means you will need an SNI bug host or hostname for your country to be able to use the app. Check the below guide on how to find a working SNI bug host for free internet with HA Tunnel Plus.
READ ALSO: How to Find SNI Bug Host for Free Internet with HA Tunnel Plus
READ ALSO: The Ultimate Guide to Find SNI Bug Host for Free Internet
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Ideally, If you find it difficult to get a working bug host by yourself, you can check out our SNI host list for HA Tunnel Plus and get a working SNI bug host for your country.
When you got a working SNI bug host, you will need to create a free internet hat file for your country. It can be quite confusing if you are still new to such stuff. Don't worry, we got you covered. Thanks to our guide on how to create HAT files for free internet in any country, many people now know how to create free internet files for the app. Consider checking out our updated guide on that.
However, many people always want hot cake and want the plug directly. When I say hot cake here it simply means, they want the files directly without having to do any setup.
If that is the case for you, we still got you covered as we have released free internet hat files for all countries that we update daily. We got all countries covered there and you should consider checking and downloading hat files for your country from there.
You just need to import the files into the app and then click the START button. No additional setup from you is required.
Even iOS users (iPhone and iPad users) can enjoy free internet with this amazing VPN. Though the app doesn't yet support the iOS platform, you can use this guide to enjoy ha tunnel plus free internet on iOS.
Want to also know how to sniff or unlock ha tunnel plus hat config files? The reasons for you wanting to do that are numerous but I get you just want to know the bug host used and then create your own hat file. Check out the guide on that below.
One thing most people don't appreciate about the app is the connection time. You will need to renew your access to the app's server in order to continue enjoying your free internet.
We have taken that in control and provided many tricks to get unlimited connection time using ha tunnel plus.
Those that want the ha tunnel plus mod APK will be served as we have also provided it to the app. Now, it is possible to renew the connection time in HA Tunnel Plus without watching video ads.
We have noticed that many people always experience and suffer from the connection failed issue in ha tunnel plus and the app keeps showing reconnecting in the log.
Well, this is a common issue and we have released a guide on how to fix that issue in HA Tunnel Plus app. Consider checking it out.
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2. Using HTTP Injector VPN for Free Internet
HTTP Injector is one of the most used VPN apps out there and it's known for its stability in connectivity.
They are one of the top competitors of the HA Tunnel Plus app. They have millions of users all over the world.
One great thing about this app is it is known to have fewer bugs and ads than HA Tunnel Plus so people prefer the app over HA Tunnel Plus and their config file extension is in ehi.
The app works the same way as HA Tunnel Plus and they have some tunneling modes in common. However, HTTP Injector has many tools that its competitors do not have.
They have a host checker tool that developers use to analyze bug hosts if they are eligible for free internet injection.
To get started with the app you need a working bug host for free internet. The bug host here can be an SNI bug host if you are using the SSL/TLS tunneling mode or an HTTP bug host if you are generating a Payload. Check out the below guide on how to find SNI/HTTP Bug host for free internet with HTTP Injector app.
You probably know that getting the bug host is just a step. The major part is to create the free internet ehi config file for HTTP Injector.
This app can be quite difficult to set up than HA Tunnel Plus and you will need a detailed guide to fully understand the setup process of the app, when and which tunneling mode should you use for a specific host.
Hopefully, we have provided a full guide on how to set up HTTP injector for free internet in any country explaining the different tunneling modes, and how and when to use them.
Ideally, If you find it difficult to get a working bug host by yourself, you can check out our SNI host list for HTTP Injector and get a working SNI bug host for your country.
When creating your free internet files, the choice of the server is one of the most important assets for a successful connection because it is the key to your fast and premium connection speed.
That said, you need to know the best servers to use with HTTP Injector.
We have also provided a guide on the best servers to use with HTTP Injector in order to get good and fast connection speeds with the app.
Of course, we also got all those that want the direct plug covered. We have released a section where you can download free internet ehi files for all countries.
We have covered all the continents and their numerous countries.
After downloading, you just need to import the files and then click on the START button to get connected. Once connected, you can start enjoying your free internet files.
Now everybody can equally sniff or unlock HTTP Injector EHI files without any issue. The main reason for doing this is to get the payload used for creating the file.
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3. Using Your Freedom VPN for Free Internet
Your Freedom is equally one of the best free internet VPNs you can use to get free unlimited internet access in any country and any network.
They are known for their efficiency to bypass any restriction rules set by our ISP to give us free internet. The app is cross-platform and works on Android, iOS, and PC.
Many did not know the app can work on iOS but this is how you can set up Your Freedom VPN for free internet on iPhone and iPad.
It is a German-based company and all you need to use this VPN for free internet access is good settings for the app and a premium account.
The app has a setup wizard that will determine which network you use and which connection method you can use for free internet access.
However, the connection mode set by the wizard is known at times to be slow. So you need custom settings for a fast connection.
We have provided a complete guide on the best settings for Your Freedom VPN that will give you free internet access no matter the network or country.
We also have more free internet tricks for your freedom vpn that you can equally check out.
4. Using DroidVPN for Free Internet
DroidVPN is an amazing free internet VPN that offers many connection protocols of which UDP and TCP are the most used protocols.
Many rests and experiments from us have proven which of these two connection methods is best and you can check the benefits and downsides of each from here.
From that point, you can know which method will be good for you to use.
This VPN has some similarities to Your Freedom VPN in that:
- Both need good settings for a fast internet connection.
- Both require a premium account to access their premium access.
However, for good and fast connection speeds, you are required to use a premium account.
For the convenience of everyone, we have provided the best settings for DroidVPN that you can use to get free internet access no matter your country.
Once you set up the app with a good setting and a premium account, then you are eligible for a great bandwidth of free internet.
5. Using Psiphon Pro VPN for Free Internet
Psiphon Pro VPN is another amazing VPN with the same role as others - to provide free internet.
Psiphon Pro gives you unprecedented access to your favorite news broadcast or social media platforms.
By its nature, Psiphon Pro also protects you when accessing WiFi hotspots by creating a secure, private tunnel between you and the Internet.
Psiphon Pro is the best VPN tool for accessing everything on the Internet.
Features of Psiphon Pro VPN that make it unique from most other VPN apps:
- Global network featuring thousands of servers and diverse entry points, keeping you connected at all times
- No registration is required, just download and connect for free
- A wider selection of protocols than a VPN, offering unparalleled access to everything on the Internet through our global Psiphon server network
- In-app usage stats
- Configuration options - make Psiphon your own VPN with customized proxy settings
- Choose which apps to exclude from the VPN tunnel
Some time ago, Psiphon Pro introduced Psicash as a currency within the app. Users need to purchase Psicash for faster connection on Psiphon Pro.
Not everyone has the means to keep on buying Psicash in order to browse freely then it will not make the internet free as we hear it but paid since you need to purchase Psicash.
We have developed some tweaks you can use to get unlimited Psicash for free internet in Psiphon Pro VPN. Many people also opt to use the Mod version of Psiphon Pro for unlimited connection speed. All the ways still work so consider checking them out.
Conclusion on How to Get Unlimited Free Internet at Home from Any Country
We have provided many ways in this guide that you can use to get free internet at home legally and even illegally. Free internet legally simply involves the use of free data offered by your government or ISP usually to students for their studies and also you can get free internet from your ISP when they are celebrating an event.
Free internet illegally on Android, iPhone, and PC at home simply involves the use of VPN apps that are known to tunnel free internet from a host or just simply tunneling your device without a bug host. Most of the tricks above will work for all platforms
Try out all the 11 free internet tricks shown above to get free unlimited internet access at home without paying anything and you will get a lot of them working for you.