HA Tunnel Plus is one of our favorite VPN apps we love talking of on this site because it is one of the most used and amazing free internet VPN Apps trending these days due to its great connectivity and security of its servers which secures connection between two parties (client and server) in a connection by encrypting the connection through the server using SSH 2.0.
HA Tunnel Plus is a great VPN when we want to talk of free internet because it equally helps config developers to create their free internet hat files and share them with others securely.
HA Tunnel Plus uses a file format with an extension .hat which when shared, exported and imported by a user will bring on all the settings of the file where it was created and these settings will be automatically imported into the device that imports the config.
To create HA Tunnel Plus files isn't that easy and we have provided a section on how to create ha tunnel plus files for free internet in any country. To be able to create these files, you will need a good bug host usually an SNI bug host that you can use to access your ISP servers for free internet.
We also have noticed that not everyone is advanced in creating HA Tunnel Plus free internet files by themselves, so we have made a section on this website where you can get daily updated HA Tunnel Plus free internet hat files for all networks in any country. Also, it is equally possible to use HA Tunnel Plus on iPhone.
When you get connected to HA Tunnel Plus servers, you will be given a certain length of time to remain connected on that particular server, usually 4 hours and at times 2hours which can be renewed by watching video ads displayed by the developer. We have shown some methods you can use to get free unlimited connection time on HA Tunnel Plus.
In a very recent update of HA Tunnel Plus, some HA Tunnel Plus users found it difficult to renew their access to the servers even when they watch video ads, their time will remain stagnant. This will no longer be a problem for you at the end of this tutorial. So in today's guide, I will show you how you can renew and get free connection time in HA Tunnel Plus without necessarily watching video ads.
What is HA Tunnel Plus and How does it work?
HA Tunnel Plus is an app that lets you use freely amazing connection protocols such as HTTP, TCP, SNI which are protected by SSH2.0. This app is trending nowadays due to its top level of security and its various connection modes it offers with fast servers.
All the traffic that is being generated by the user (client) and server is being protected and encrypted by SSH2.0 which makes it difficult for your ISP or any one else to trace you out. You can use this HA Tunnel Plus app for several purposes which are not only for free internet and this is proven by the direct connection mode in the application that lets you connect freely to their servers in order to keep your activity online private and safe.
HA Tunnel Plus application attributes to all its users a randomly generated Identity, which helps them in the identification and recognition of their devices to the servers.
How to Create HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet Files All Networks
This is a whole section on its on and it involves following and respecting different connection protocols, how they work and which will work for your ISP. Also, you will need to get a bug host that is optimal for injection and check if it works with HA Tunnel Plus or similar application such as HTTP Injector. For example, if you are located in the US, you will need to know how to find bug host, analyze them for their different protocol for injection and then create a test ha tunnel plus file with good settings before getting this file to work on your side. If it works, you can now export the file and share it with others which is another way of displaying your helping talent.
The same case will be for UK, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, Singapore, Colombia, Argentina, Germany, Netherlands or any other country. Since this section is really broad on its own, we have made a complete guide on how to understand ha tunnel plus and how to get free internet by creating your own ha tunnel plus files with optimal settings and bug host using this amazing application. You can check it out from the below link;
MUST CHECK: How to Create HA Tunnel Plus Free Unlimited Internet Hat Files for All Networks
How to Find Working Bug Host for Free Internet with HA Tunnel Plus
Bug host usually called a loop hole is a vulnerability that is found in any system. When ever there are open ports that can establish connection with any other party that request a connection which is not part of the system, then we say there is a system bug and if this bug has an IP address or a host where it is hosted which is always he case, then we call it a bug host.
Bug hosts can be of different kinds depending of the connection type work on. Here, we can have HTTP bug hosts, TCP bug hosts, SNI bug host. HTTP and SNI bug hosts are the most common bug host because they are generally easy to exploit. HTTP bug hosts can be easily blocked as compared to SNI bug hosts because these SNI bug hosts are not known by some system so, it makes then difficult to close the bridge of such a bug host. In addition, SNI bug host work with the encryption TLS/SSL which makes it very hard to be blocked by the system administrators because it is really hard to establish.
We have covered a section or a guide that will show you how to understand your ISP and how to detect if there is a bug host in their system, identifying the bug host and then exploiting it for free internet using HA Tunnel Plus or any similar VPN such as HTTP Injector. You can read on the guide here or from the link below;
MUST CHECK: How to Find Bug Host for Free Internet with Any ISP Network (SNI, HTTP, TCP Host)
HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet HAT Files for All ISP/Network and Country
We believe and know that not everyone is familiar with the interface of this HA Tunnel Plus app and some are new to the app but will also love to profit of free internet files using this app. That's why, we have made it possible for everyone in any country be it in the United States, UK, Nigeria, South Africa, Germany, Netherlands or any other country to download ha tunnel plus hat files for free that you will just need to import in the app and start using in HA Tunnel Plus without worries.
We have assembled files from various sources together with the files we create and added them on this website for everyone to download and enjoy free internet without paying for anything. You can download the config file for your country from the country list provided on this page or click the link below to go the the ha tunnel plus free internet files country list and download the file for your country and start enjoying free internet.
MUST CHECK: HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet HAT Files and Configs for All Countries (Updated Daily)
How to Get Free Connection Time in HA Tunnel Plus without viewing ads
Recently, we released a tutorial on how to get unlimited connection time without watching video ads when using ha tunnel plus. But it seems a little complicated for some people and we decided to share out this trick that works 100% and that was developed by HA Tunnel Plus developers. We will be using another application aside of HA Tunnel Plus. This application is called Telegram with exciting features of which the most amazing is the ability to create an use robots usually known as bots or telegram bots. So what are telegram bots and how will they help us get free connection time in HA Tunnel Plus?
What are Telegram Bots and How to Renew HA Tunnel Plus Connection Time Using Bot?
Bots are third-party applications that run inside Telegram. Users can interact with bots by sending them messages, commands and inline requests. You control your bots using HTTPS requests to our Bot API. For most developers, bots help them easily render their projects and reduce the load of work on them.
We will be using a Telegram bot to renew our connection time on HA Tunnel Plus without watching video ads. Don't worry, you will not have to write codes in order to use the bot, it is simple and you will understand how to use the bot after you most have followed the procedure below. You will not need any ha tunnel plus unlimited time mod APK for this. But before let's see what you will need to get ready.
- Android Phone of At least (5.0) - For best performance of HA Tunnel Plus App.
- HA Tunnel Plus App (At least version 1.2.3) - Get it here.
- Telegram App - Get it here.
- Telegram bot link.
Step 1: Connecting and Checking the Basics
Connect to HA Tunnel Plus. Let me open HA Tunnel Plus App and show you my connection time I have left. You can see from the below screenshot that, I have 01 hours 42 minutes left as connection time in HA Tunnel Plus.

Connect to HA Tunnel Plus application using your imported config file, custom settings or direct connection. Make sure you are connected to the server by checking the log section.

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Step 2: Copying your Identification Number
On the application main screen, click on hamburger icon on the top left corner of the screen to open the navigation menu. Then next, click on Identification as shown below;

Once you click on Identification, your Identification number will be shown, just click on COPY which is right next to it and it will be immediately copied to your clipboard.

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Step 3: Using the Telegram Bot to Renew Connection Time
Download Telegram application if you don't yet have it and Click here to go to ha tunnel renew bot. In the bot, Click Start to start the bot then, type /link "your Identification" without quotes and send to the bot. The identification is the one you copied from the HA Tunnel Plus application earlier. The bot will send you a generated renewal link. You can check the screenshot below for better descriptions.

Click on the link generated by the Telegram renew bot which will open the a webpage with a message usually "Renewed for 2 hours". See an example of the message from the below image.

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Make sure you are connected to HA Tunnel Plus before clicking the link. If you are not connected to HA Tunnel Plus before clicking the link, you will see an error message and your time will not be renewed.
READ ALSO: How to Install and Use HA Tunnel Plus on iPhone
Step 4: Checking if the Connection Time has been Renewed in the App
Seeing a message similar to that in the image above means you are already connected but it is always good to make sure everything is working and cool in the HA Tunnel Plus app. So, Open your HA Tunnel Plus App and you will see that the app has been renewed for 2 hours without you watching video ads.

You can see in the image above that the connection time has increased from 1 hour 49 minutes to 1 hour 59 minutes. Even if your connection time is at 1 minute, it will renew for 2 hours and you will see 1 hour 59 minutes. To confirm this, you can check the log.

The LOG equally confirms that my access has been renewed for 2 hours.
CHECK ALSO: More HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet Tricks in Any Country
Things to Note
- You will need HA Tunnel Plus App of at least version 1.2.3 - Get it here.
- You will need Telegram App and Renew bot.
- You will need to be connected to HA Tunnel Plus before click on the link generated by the bot.
- The time will be renewed by 2 hours and can be renewed at any time without watching ads.
Check the complete video on this below which is the complete practical part of this guide.
Join us on Telegram for more exclusive tutorials
- Top 10 Best Ways to Get Free Internet on Android Without Data Plan.
- How to Get Free Internet on Android Without Service.
- How to find working bug hosts for Free Internet in Any Country.
- How to Create HA Tunnel Plus Free Unlimited Internet HAT Files for All Networks.
- HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet HAT Files All Countries.
- How to Install and Use Free Internet VPN Apps on iPhone and iPad.
- How to Get/Renew Connection Time on HA Tunnel Plus Without Watching Ads.
- How to Get Unlimited Connection Time in HA Tunnel Plus.
- Top 5 Best SSH, SSL/TLS, V2Ray, Shadowsocks Fast Severs for HTTP Injector and HA Tunnel Plus.
- Your Freedom New Optimized PPTP Settings for Free Internet.
- YooMee Cameroon Free Internet with High and Stable Speed.
- Your Freedom New, Fast Premium Optimized Settings.
- Get Unlimited Psicash for Free Internet.
- How to Get a Total Freedom Your Freedom Account For Free.
- How to Get Free Internet on iOS (iPhone and iPad).
- Free Internet for Nigeria.
This is how you can renew your HA Tunnel Plus connection time without watching video ads. You need to be connected to HA Tunnel Plus either by custom settings (Payload, SNI), imported config or direct connection. The renewal will be 2 hours of time and can be done unlimitedly. Click here if you want to know how to create ha tunnel plus files by yourself. You can equally download HA Tunnel Plus files for any country from here. Getting all of these will assure your free internet connection with unlimited time when using HA Tunnel Plus.