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How to Install a New Blogger Blog Template - Change Blogger Blog Template Step by Step

Blogger provides a default template for every created blog. But we always want good looking templates. Follow the below steps to change your template

 On every creation of a new blogger blog, we are always somehow excited about our new created blog where we will blog our passion. But still, we always hit further, we want a new look for our blog.

Blogger provides a default template for every created blog. But these templates are really not professional and are of first generation. So, we will always want to change the look of our site not only for good looking, but also for good rankings.

How to change a blogger blog template step by step

Templates written by third-party are usually optimized for good SEO rankings. and it is always advise to get a professional template for a newly created blog for good rankings. 

In this article, I will be showing you how to change your blogger blog template and install a new template to give your blog a new look.

How to Change a Blogger Template

Before we continue, it is necessary you create a blogger blog in the right way and understand how it goes or if you don't know how to create a blogger blog, then checkout this tutorial on how to create a blogger blog step by step.

CHECK OUT: How to Create a Blogger Blog Step by Step

 You can't change a template if you don't have one to replace it with it. Blogger Professional templates are paid and most copies of blogger templates are really nerving because they are incomplete versions. 

Hopefully, you can get premium blogger templates for free without paying anything. Visit AiM Templates for Premium Templates for free. Choose the one that please you and your niche then download it.


Step 1: Once you have downloaded your template from AiM Templates. Unzip the template if it is in a zip format. Go to your blogger blog and navigate to the Theme link. Click on it. Now on the right you will see a CUSTOMIZE button and beside that, you will see a dropdown icon. 

how to change blogger blog template

Click on that icon and a popup will display with the labels BackupRestoreSwitch to first generation Classic theme and Edit HTML. See the screenshot below:

how to change blogger blog template

Step 2: Here, you can simply click Restore and you locate your template on your PC. Note it should be in XML format because that's the syntax blogger templates carry.

how to change blogger blog template

Once the template is updated, your Theme section will look like the image below. Most latest templates don't have a Theme preview in the Theme tab which is the case of the Theme I just installed.


how to change a blogger blog template

Step 3: Now that the template is installed, it is time for some tweaking. Go to the Layout tab and see how your blog looks like in the back and how you can edit it with drag and drop. 

how to change blogger blog template
You can do some drag and drop of widget, delete and add them here. Add a Gadget when clicked will present you a list of Gadgets you can add to your site. Be it AdSense, Features posts, Label, Popular posts, HTML/JavaScript, Pages and many more. Below is an image showing these gadgets.
how to change blogger blog template

These gadgets can be used to improve the experience of your visitors on your site most especially the HTML/JavaScript gadget because it allows you to add any third party script or code to your blog to display some useful information for your visitors.

To drag and drop, just left maintain a left click and move the gadget where ever you want it to be.

Further editing can be done in the template HTML section but this is very sensitive and when ever you wan to deal with the HTML Section of your site, I advice you to Backup the template before performing the edits. 

Most templates come with Documentation on how to perform the necessary editing of the template. So always try to get the documentation of the template from the developer site.

Step 4: After you must have done the necessary tweaks on your site, Click on view blog to view the new look of your blog. You will have a new appearance of your blog displayed to you and the blog will look professional.


We have seen how to create a blogger blog and how to change for template to make your blog look professional to the world. I have highlighted some instincts when changing your blogger blog.

If you had already done some editing in the Layout section of your blog such as adding new gadgets or somethings similar and you want to change your blog template, then, backup your template then go to the Edit HTML section of your blog. Open your new template with any code editor, press Ctrl + A to select all, then Ctrl + C to copy the selection. Now go to the HTML section of your blog, do a Ctrl + A to select all then press Backspace on your keyboard to delete that selection then, do a Ctrl + V to paste your new template code in the HTML Section of your blog and click Save. That will clear off all the traces of the previous template and install the new template. 

Below is a screenshot showing how the HTML Section of Blogger Blogs look like

how to change blogger blog template

If you click on Restore and upload the template, then, this template will get mixed up with some layout traces of the previous blog template. This option is best for newly created blogs.

As earlier said, getting the template documentation is the best way to edit a template because it was written by the template developer himself.

You now know how to change a blogger blog template and install a new one.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Above is the full process we have covered. Just read it.
  • The only way you can make your blogger blog look professional is by using a premium template.
  • JTo get premium blogger templates for free, Visit AiM Templates

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