Free Internet is one of a kind now our days and we constantly see people searching for free internet tricks everyday even on social media. As for some people, just a snitch or taste of free internet is enough for them. Free Internet also known as freesurf is an important part of some people now. And in these our days, to get one free internet trick isn’t that easy most especially if it’s fast and unlimited. So people tend to sell these free internet tricks to those who really are in need of it.
For most of our constant readers, you might probably know that this blog is mainly dedicated into free internet tricks for almost all available countries.
Some of these free internet tricks are provided by us and some are not. In today’s post, I will be giving you the mtn cameroon free internet trick using http injector. To get this, you will need to read the post till the end and make sure you note all the important notices written within lines. Because at times, it doesn’t just matters get the trick, what matter is how to apply the trick all set and working for you. So read within the lines below.
Table of Contents
What is Free Internet
Free Internet is a cyber initiative which makes use of several protocols to get you connected to the internet with no cost. These protocols are of many types and there are variable ways to get connected to the internet for free. But one thing they have in common is to bypass the firewall restrictions set by our ISP.
We are here interested how this is possible. This is possible due to open ports or leakages which are known as network vulnerabilities which once exploited, we can get access to the internet with the help of some little settings.
Many applications have been released that help us to inject our hosts and get started with browsing the internet for free with a dedicated protocol and are now available for our free use. These application not only injects our hosts but they also tend to mask our IP addresses to clear our traces on our ISP network. Thèse applications include Anonytun VPN, Combo VPN, HTTP Injector and many more... They are all available on playstore.
Some free Internet might be limited and some might not be limited.
You can check the below links to get the other internet tricks we got on our blog. Some of them are of recent.
MTN Cameroon free internet with HTTP Injector
The free internet trick posted here today will be that of MTN Cameroon using a common host Injection application know as HTTP Injector. To get started, just make sure that you got the below requirements:
To get started, make sure you got the below necessities.
- An MTN Cameroon SIM Card with Zero data
- HTTP Injector (can be gotten from PlayStore) I presume most of you already got it. Lol😝
- The HTTP Injector Config that will be provided by the end of this post.
Once you get the above requirements set and done, you can proceed with the below steps.
- Download HTTP Injector. Done? Okay proceed.
- Open HTTP Injector and click the file Icon at the top right conner then select Import Config.
- Locate the config you’ll download below and click on it. That will directly import it.
- Now make sure your internet connection is Switched On then click on the START button to connect. In the below image you will see I’m connected from my log.

- The above screenshot shows that the look of the config. The config is named MTN Config by AT. Make sure you confirm its the config.
- To view the status of my connection, you can view my log below to see its connected.

- To show you this trick is concrete, I took a screenshot of my the log together with the network message saying I don’t have any data volume.
- I did this because many tricks now our days are fake.

Things to note:
- This config is owned and was created by AiM Tutorials and is dedicated to be shared out for free...
- Make sure you use the latest version of HTTP Injector otherwise you wont get good results
- The speed has been recently improved than that of the other tricks.
- All tricks published here have been tested and confirmed on many SIMs so we assure the reliability of the trick.
- This trick is mainly for educational purposes only and this trick was mainly made to inform the ISP of their vulnerability.
Downloading the Config
Now that you are all set and done, You can proceed to download the Config. Make sure you note the above points before connecting.
For more updates to this config, please join our Telegram Channel
Click the Download button below to download the config and start browsing for free.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to get unlimited data on MTN Cameroon?
The best way to get unlimited data on MTN Cameroon is by using a tunneling app for free internet. Your Freedom VPN is one of the best apps that can give you free internet on MTN. You can also use AnonyTun, HA Tunnel Plus, or HTTP Injector if you got a working host.
How do I activate data on MTN Cameroon?
Dial *157# to activate data on Orange Cameroon.